Wednesday 7 June 2017

Deetails And Omaha Beach

Yesterday we wanted to commemorate the D-Day anniversary with a Bolt Action game.  Juno beach was considered, but I really wanted to play with my Americans, so we were off to Omaha Beach...

Meanwhile, somewhere in the Pacific...



  1. Looks fantastic! and I love the simple, but effective, landing craft!

    You should know that I saw this in my feed on my phone last night, drooled over it, and then came back again today to drool over it on a respectfully large monitor.

    It's all I can do to keep from running to ebay and buying up Deetails WW2 figures.


  2. Hi John,

    Thanks for the nice comment - it made my night! And I know that feeling too, I love looking at pictures of Toy soldiers/model soldiers in action. That is one of my most favourite bits of gaming - seeing the guys all on the table and then watching the action/story all unfold. And good luck with the ebaying! I find that looking for job lots is the way to go, otherwise the prices can be just silly!

