Monday, 25 July 2016

A Couple More Simple ACW Conversions and a Skirmish at Night

Last night I pulled out my ACW Deetails and started hacking away at some of the guys that had way too many clones.  Here are some of the results:

And after years of rarely using the Rebel Gatling gun, I finally made the plunge and pulled this guy off and gave him his own base.    I also promoted him to second in command of my Confederates!

Then it was time to tidy up but no-one wanted to go back in their boxes!

So we all went outside to Northern Virginia, sometime in 1862.

Here are some pics:


  1. Nicely done conversions. I have the used the ramming guy as an Artilleryman by carving away the musket and substituting a ramrod (made from wire and putty for the bore brush and rammer). Nice to see the Deetails in use.

    1. Hi Col,

      Thank you! It was fun changing up some of the guys. And I think I will use your idea of the ramming guy for an Artilleryman for the Union very soon! Thank you too for that! Nice to have you stop by. Private W.

  2. Neat conversions, the artillery gunners paint scheme blends in well with the Detail infantry, I didn't notice they were a different make at first.

    1. Thank you, Brian! Yes, the cannon and crew are Armies In Plastic. I like their miniatures very much. Although this particular set had a hard time keeping their paint on, much more than other Armies In Plastic figures I had painted.

  3. Nice work. Love the head swaps. Are the running guys holding their rifles away from their bodies your conversions or just a figure that I haven't seen before? The ramming guy can also be converted to a variant standard bearer.

    1. Thanks, Ross! And no, those running guys are regular Deetails ones. It is a great pose and one of my favourites! And thanks, I might use that idea for an alternate standard bearer sometime.
