Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Bolt Action Actions

Deetails all the time!  I love looking at photos of toy soldiers in action.  Here are a few pictures from a couple recent Bolt Action games to throw on to the web:

Comrades Airfix (and Comrade Italeri-ski)!

A quick Panzerschreck conversion.

Small table, big guys!

Happy 1/32 (and 1/35) gaming everyone!


  1. Bolt Action seems to suit the Big Guys, we played a couple of games using Ron's 54mm Airfix.

    The game in the sunshine is good but I like the jungle. Nice Stuart tank! (I presume it had something to do with the blown up Japanese tank?)

    Great stuff.

    1. Hi Ross,

      Yes, Bolt Action and Britains (and 54mm in general) just seem to be made for each other - it is such a perfect toy soldier rule set, I feel. And thanks, it was nice playing with you Chi Ha's, but the Stuart was deadly! Although I think an airstrike took care of the third Japanese tank.

      Thanks for your comment, Ross. And Ross, I have been enjoying quite a bit of Sharp Practice 2 with your wonderful 40mm guys.

  2. I love the "small table, big guys" set up! and there's so much armor on that table too! Do you make any modifications to movement/firing ranges on the small table or just leave them as is?

    1. Hi John,

      Welcome to Battling with Britains! Yes, the outside game was jam packed on a 4 foot table. I normally prefer larger tables for games with Deetails, but we wanted a quick one and it was fun and felt like a truly urban fight with not much room to move around. We left the ranges all untouched and it worked well. I love to have any excuse to throw as much armour into action as possible and this was the first outing for my new King Tiger.

      Thanks for stopping by, John!

  3. I love the "small table, big guys" set up! and there's so much armor on that table too! Do you make any modifications to movement/firing ranges on the small table or just leave them as is?

    1. Hi again John,

      Just had an enjoyable visit on your great blogs. Really like you 54mm or Fight one in particular. Look forward to many more visits!

    2. Thank you! Trying to get back into the blogging swing of things. Hopefully there will be more content for the 54mm or Fight blog soon.

  4. The panzerschrek is a great idea, the Airix Russians paint job really​ ties in well with the Detail figures.

    1. Hi Brian,

      Thank you! I felt my Germans needed some more AT power and I love how hand-held AT weapons in Bolt Action work. And every toy soldier should have a bright green base! : )
